Natural 17 Mukhi Rudraksha (Nepali) Bead 30mm+ With X-ray Report

164,000.00165,300.00 inc.GST

  • This Rudraksha helps to increases connection with our intuitive mind and allows power of manifesting our desires.
  • The wearer gets power of effective decision making.
  • 17 mukhi Rudraksha bestows power of manifestation, success & achievements.

Product Origin: Nepal

17 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead With X-ray Report (Exclusive, Antique & Very Rare) 4 Gram+ & 30mm+

Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha Bead :-

Speaks to lord Vishvakarma “the official planner and manufacturer of the (universe) money-oriented world”.

  • Vishwakarma is the ruling god of this rudraksha. Vishwakarma is the directing god of all skilled workers, modelers, and organizers. Vishwakarma is likewise the creator of all the flying chariots of the divine beings, and every one of their weapons; subsequently it is fantastic for any sort of craftsman and surveyor.
  • The Mahabharata depicts him as -The ruler of expressions of the human experience, an agent of a thousand crafted works, the craftsman of the divine beings, the most prominent of craftsmen, the fashioner of all trimmings, what’s more, an extraordinary and eternal god.”
  • Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha is known for its highly effective powers.
  • By enchanting Rudraksha seventeen Mukhi beads, a person can feel immense pleasure and benefit. It makes a wearer ingenuous and honest in all his actions. Mainly, the worshipper of Lord Shiva must wear this bead to get his blessing and prosperity. Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha fulfills all the wishes of the wearer, as long as a man keeps wearing Rudraksha. At the time of death, a man experiences true salvation, if he wears this Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha regularly. Rudraksha is a Sanskrit compound word consisting of the name Rudra (Shiva) and Aksha (Eyes). Rudra and Aksha mean the one who is capable of looking and at doing everything (from the third eye). This comes from a large evergreen broad-leaved tree, whose beads are used for prayer in Hinduism. This seed is born, by several species of Elaeocarpus.

Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed as king like life to the wearer and makes a person full of worldly pleasure and fulfills all wishes of life. This Rudraksha makes the wearer free from the sins committed and helps to attain Moksha (emancipation). It gives a lot of benefits in the share market, business, lottery, and unexpected inheritance through games and property. A person is also able to attain knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence after wearing this rudraksha. Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha is very powerful for the attainment of spiritual and material life. It releases tension, grief, and emotional depression and also cures respiratory problems related to the small intestine, asthma, and bronchial tree.

  • Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha is very effective in earning the unexpected money.
  • It is particularly useful in attaining the property, vehicles, and all physical assets. Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha gives fulfillment of all desires, Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha is known for removing the effect of Sade Sati due to planet Saturn.

This Mukhi helps to cure headaches, sinusitis, and ENT diseases.

The Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha helps to improve prosperity and happiness in life. It helps to find a better life partner.

  • The 17 Mukhi Rudraksha helps to fulfill the desires and getting a perfect life partner, wealth, progeny and good luck to a wearer.
  • It increases the connection between Devi energy, and the wearer.
  • 17 Mukhi Rudraksha helps to remove obstacles from his/her life and showers immense power and divine magnetism to a person who wears this magical Rudraksha.
  • Seventeen mukhi Rudraksha Pacifies the negative influence and afflictions of Saturn and offers relief during the period of Shani Sade Sati.

17 mukhi Rudraksha Mantra :-


Weight N/A

Abhimantrit (Energized), Non Abhimantrit

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