Abhimantrit Turquoise (Firoza) , Natural & Lab Certified Irani Firoza for Remedial Powers- 17 Carat

5,130.00 inc.GST

Benefits For Wearing Firoza

 Firoza has got many astrological benefits like it gives peace of mind, improves creativity & attractiveness. It removes misfortunes and bad luck and results in more health, wealth, prosperity, name, fame, wisdom, honesty and strength. It enhances friendship, love, communication and loyalty. It improves creativity and charisma of the wearer.

Firoza is said to be the healing gem of empathy and improves the wearer’s sensitivity and thinking power. It eliminates misfortunes and bad luck, thus results in health, wealth, wisdom, fame and strength. It improves the creativity and the charisma of the person wearing the Feroza gemston

2 in stock

Product Origin : Iran

Turquoise (Firoza)

Firoza also known as turquoise was originally found in turkey. It is the only that can be worn without worrying about the planetary combination of a person’s horoscope. It is known as a symbol of wealth in ancient cultures. It is best known for its remedial powers. It has huge demand for both astrological use and in jewellery. Thus nowadays it is difficult to acquire original and antique Firoza. It is an eye pleasing and pocket friendly gemstone with soft hue. It balances and aligns all the chakras and also stabilises mood swings. Feroza is found in many shades like apple green, greenish grey, greenish blue and other primary colours but the best color of firoza is sky blue colour. The best quality of firoza is that it protects its wearer from injuries, violence, accidents. It is said that Feroza changes colour or breaks down to warn its wearer of danger or calamity of infidelity. That is why Firoza is said to be the most efficient healer.

In ancient time, Firoza (turquoise) was said to be an instrument which created humbleness and kindness and was seen with great esteem. That is why it known as one of the protection amulet. Apart from well being Firoza makes its wearer mind calm and neutralizes his/her mood swing. It is very important as it has immense power and properties to heal various diseases. It absorbs all the negative energy and evil vibration. A person facing reversal in his/her love life should use this gemstone.

Turquoise is also known as a symbol of friendship. It is a symbol of courage and hope. It ensures success in love. Its charm saves the wearer from accidents and evil eye. It carries great wisdom which increases growth wealth, strength, fame of the wearer. Thus Firoza is considered to be the healing and fostering gem of compassion and increases wearer’s sensitivity and thinking power.

  • When placed on the third eye chakra, it stimulates perception and increases focus in a person. When placed on the Throat chakra (pendant), it helps the wearer in overcoming inhibitions. It gives clarity, precision and expression to the inner thoughts of its wearer.
  • Turquoise is considered a pure stone. Hence, it saves the wearer from mishaps and violence while also reducing mental stress.
  • It is especially beneficial for those who work at high altitudes and are related to fields like Films, fashion, television, jewelry, accountancy, law, education and clothing. People working in the education and creative sector, like teachers, authors, scholars and students etc also benefit a lot.
  • One distinct quality that Turquoise is supposed to possess is that it changes its color and loses luster if the wearer is exposed to physical and mental threats, e.g. disloyalty.
  • It connects its wearer with spirituality and helps him/her in making charitable donations and productive expenditure. It fortifies one’s belief in Karmic destiny (good deeds bring good fortune).
  • A perfect gift for friends, the amulets made with Turquoise strengthen relationships and act as a protective shield for the wearer.
  • Turquoise has remarkable healing properties and ensure overall physical fitness. It enhances immunity and eliminates pollution inflicted diseases. Problems like asthma, excess alcoholism, depression, high blood pressure, migraines, viral infections, or the impact of toxins can be easily fought with Turquoise stone.
  • It is a perfect companion for those who travel a lot. It protects them from thefts, accidents, or any unwanted incidences.
  • Turquoise helps in maintaining stability and concord in married life by infusing deep understanding in partners.
  • It is an excellent remedy for mood swings, anxiety, and panic attacks. It also leads to tissue revival and body
Weight 00038.90 kg

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