Original Shri Sampoorna Kanak Dhara Maha  Yantra Genuine Products..

951.00 inc.GST

Benefits  Shri Sampoorna Kanak Dhara Maha  Yantra

  • If you are in debt, you become free of debt.
  • You become wealthy notably.
  • Financial abundance is achieved.
  • You gain respect in the social circle.
  • You enjoy luxury and enjoy comforts

4 in stock

  Product Origin : India

 Shri Sampoorna Kanak Dhara Maha  Yantra

Literal meaning of Kanakdhara is flow of gold. Establishing it at Home can open the doors to fortune for the whole family. Many avenues of earning open up suddenly; just like a river of gold has been diverted to the house.

This Yantra helps in getting immense wealth, prosperity and luck. It is said that in ancient India millionaires used this Yantra to become billionaires. ‘Shalin’ Kanakdhara Yantra may be kept in temples, Cash Box and cupboards.

Are you heavily in debt, is your business failing, are you facing a severe financial crisis? If yes, then this Yantra is the answer to all your problems. Besides being potentiated with Cosmic Energy, by scholastic pundits, ‘Shalin’ energizes/consecrates this Yantra with Vedic mantras, beautifully combining with some other potent verses e.g. Kanakdhara Stotram, before being forwarded to you.

Installing ‘Shalin Kanakdhara Yantra’: Detailed procedure for installing this Yantra and mantra, to be recited by you, which are very specific to this Yantra, are sent by ‘Shalin’ to you along with your Yantra. Since, each Yantra is unique and different, so is its procedure and Mantra; hence we at ‘Shalin’ do not believe in generalizing the things. Hence, we recommend Mantra specific to this Yantra only.

Adi Sankaya has sung this “Kanakadhara stotra” for welfare of everyone who is suffering their past karma and suffering in poverty.

Shri Sampoorna Kanak Dhara Maha  Yantra

Shri Kanakdhara is a vedic goddess who remove obstacles to prosperity and bestows wealth and financial stability.Worship of this goddess also invoke the blessings of lord vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi for complete happiness and success in life.

Literal meaning of shri Kanakdhara is flow of gold. Establishing it at home,office or workshop can open the doors to fortune for the whole family. Many avenues of earing open up suddenly; just like a river of gold has been diverted to the house.

Meru prastha ‘Shalin’ Shri Kanakdhara yantra may be kept in puja,cash Box and Cupboards. Besides being potentiated with Cosmic Energy,by scholatic pundits,’Shalin’ consecretes this yantra with vedic mantras,beautifully combining with some other potent verses e.g. Shri Kankdhara stotram, before being forwarded to you.

Details of installing ‘Shalin Shri Kanakdhara Yantra’, along with mantra to be recited by you are sent along with your Yantra.

Kanakdhara Lakshmi Yantra should be installed and worshipped in order to obtain the blessings of Goddess Maha Lakshmi who is the Goddess of Wealth. This Yantra is one of the most effective Yantras for achieving Success in Business and removal of Debts, Failures and associated Miseries. If a person worships this Yantra with full devotion and faith then he is certain to be blessed by Lord Ganesha who is remover of Obstacles and Goddess Lakshmi who is the giver of Wealth and Prosperity. All the Obstacles and Problems in his Business are destroyed and there is a constant flow of Wealth in his Business as written in the Ancient Vedic Text. This Yantra has been passed down from very old times when Aadi Shankaracharya also used it successfully to remove the Poverty and Miseries of people at large. Kanakdhara Siddhi is one of the most popular Ashta Siddhis, known to Ancient Indians which is connected with this Yantra. Hence by worshipping this Yantra, a person acquires endless Wealth since it has the power to attract Wealth from more than one resource.
Weight 0.072 kg
Dimensions 19 × 0.1 × 19 cm

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