Shree Chandra Yantra- Abhimantrit- Appeasing Planet Moon & Reduce the negative effects.

451.00 inc.GST

Lord Shiva Benefits: When moon is malefic in the horoscope Chandra Yantra nullifies negative effects and intensifies the positive effects.

If Moon represents ones love life, the person will enjoy a very romantic and joyful love life in a harmonious manner. This yantra enhances peace of mind, reduces stress, blesses the native with respect, friendship and creates contacts with opposite sex in harmonious way.

A Moon Yantra can be very helpful in rectifying these defects and it is a very good remedy when Moon is working negatively in a horoscope and at the same time it is involved in the formation of Matru Dosh or Gand Mool Dosh.




5 in stock

Product Origin : India

 Chandra Yantra is also known as a Moon Yantra in Vedic Jyotish and it is generally used to reduce the negative effects of the Moon in a horoscope which means that when Moon is working negatively in a horoscope and it is causing some specific problems or it is forming some Dosh in the horoscope, Moon Yantra is used as a remedy in such a case to reduce the negativity as well as the bad effects given by Moon in the horoscope. Moon god is also known as Soma which means Nectar . Son of Sage Atri  and Anusaya . Chandra is a lunar god and one of the most powerful celestial body of Sanatana dharma. Holding a lotus in one hand and mace in the other, the moon god is often depicted as whitein colour and seen seated on a chariot pulled by ten white horses .Lord Shiva Benefits: When moon is malefic in the horoscope Chandra Yantra nullifies negative effects and intensifies the positive effects. In money related matters Chandra Yantra brings on gains that are quite huge. It is said that Chandra Yantra enhances the person’s life and brings about changes in his/her lifestyle by bestowing upon luxuries, wealth and precious items. If Moon represents ones love life, the person will enjoy a very romantic and joyful love life in a harmonious manner. The Moon Yantra is a very effective remedy as it can reduce the negativity of the Moon and at the same time it can get good results from the Moon. Establishing a Moon Yantra helps the native benefitting from the general significances of the Moon as well as the specific significances of the Moon in his horoscope.A properly established Moon Yantra can bless the native with easy inflow of money and sudden ågains which the native may not have planned or even imagined. Moon Yantra can also bless the native with comforts and luxuries and accordingly it is capable of making the native much happier. Moon Yantra enhances the creative abilities of the native and it also brings peace of mind and composure to the native. Moon Yantra is also capable of blessing the native with wealth, precious metals and gems as most of these things are under the direct influence of Moon. Apart from these general significances, a Moon Yantra can bless the native with many specific things depending upon the horoscope of the native. For example, if Moon is representing the love life of a native in his horoscope, then establishing a Moon Yantra can bless the native with a very good love life and it can also bless the native with a beautiful, good natured and loving partner. Similarly it can bless a native with many different things depending upon the specific significances of the Moon in the horoscope of the native. The Moon, just like the Sun is also a very important planet in every horoscope and afflictions to this planet from one or more negative planets in a horoscope can result in the formation of Matru Dosh in a horoscope and at the same time the specific placement of Moon in some specific parts of some specific nakshatras like Jyeshtha and Moola can form a Gand Mool Dosh in the horoscope which can cause various kinds of problems for the native. A Moon Yantra can be very helpful in rectifying these defects and it is a very good remedy when Moon is working negatively in a horoscope and at the same time it is involved in the formation of Matru Dosh or Gand Mool Dosh. For example, if Moon is working negatively in a horoscope and at the same time it is being afflicted by a negatively working Jupiter which leads to the formation of Matru Dosh in the horoscope, establishing a Jupiter Yantra and a Moon Yantra is a good and effective remedy to rectify Matru Dosh in this case. Similarly if a negative Moon is placed in any one of Gand Mool Nakshatras in a horoscope, establishing a Moon Yantra along with a Gand Mool Dosh Nivaran Yantra is a very good remedy to rectify the bad effects of Gand Mool Dosh in the horoscope. For optimum results in this case, a Gand Mool Pooja can also be performed for the native which can enhance the effects of Moon Yantra and Gand Mool Dosh Nivaran Yantra. Similarly a Moon Yantra combined with some other Yantra or remedy can bring different kinds of benefits for different natives depending upon the overall tone of their horoscope. In this particular post I am going to post the yantra for planet Moon. This yantra enhances peace of mind, reduces stress, blesses the native with respect, friendship and creates contacts with opposite sex in harmonious way. It reduces the malefic effects if planet Moon is malefic in the birth chart.

मंत्र –         ॐ श्रां श्रीं श्रौं स: चन्द्रमसे नम:।
मंत्र –        ॐ ऐं क्लीं सोमाय नम:।
Weight 0.00132 kg
Dimensions 8.20 × 8.20 × 0.1 cm

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